La bas, la bas au prat barrat.

F.Arnaudin - Chants populaires de la Grande-Lande - p.258 XXV.

La bas la bas au prat barrat,

Qu’i i atz un aubre botoat


Jo’m vòli pas maridar

Jo’m vòli pas ronlalà

Jo’m vòli pas maridar


Qu’i i atz un aubre botoat,

Tan bèth ausèth s’i ei pausat



Tan bèth ausèth s’i ei pausat,

Eth que l’a tot desbotoat



Eth que l’a tot desbotoat,

Lo hilh deu rei per’qui es passat



Lo hilh deu rei per’qui es passat,

Que l’a linhat que l’a tirat



Que l’a linhat que l’a tirat,

Per devath l’ala que l'i a dat



Per devath l’ala que l'i a dat,

Aquera ala n’a plan sagnat



Aquera ala n’a plan sagnat,

N’a plenhat arrius e barrat



N’a plenhat arrius e barrats,

Tot los molins qu’an engorgat


Far away, far away, where there is a remote meadow

There is a burgeoning tree


I don't want to get married

I don't want to ronlalà

I don't want to get married


There's a burgeoning tree

A beautiful bird landed on it

I don't...


Such a beautiful bird landed on it

He made it lose its burgeons

I don't...


So that the tree lost all its burgeons

The king's son came this way

I don't...


The king's son came this way

He took aim, he fired

I don't...


He took aim, he fired

Got him under the wing

I don't...


Got him under the wing

And the wing bled so much

I don't...


And the wing bled so much

That it filled the streams and ditches

I don't...


That it filled the streams and ditches

All the water mills were watterlogged

I don't...





- Thanks to Florian Escoubet for translation -